Action Lab has released Amalgama Space Zombie #1 under its mature Danger Zone imprint. The horror comic book series is written by Jason Martin and illustrated by Winston Young. The 32-page full-color issue features main cover art by Winston Young, with variants by Young, Marco Maccagni, TMChu, and Elias Chatzoudis.

Amalgama Space Zombie #1 is now available for just $4.99:

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Now in her own series, the fan favorite Zombie Tramp/Vampblade/DollFace mash-up (with the powers of all three iconic characters) returns! Rocketed into space by the Danger Doll Squad, Amalgama: Space Zombie plots a course for explosive sci-fi grindhouse action! Features 4 regular and risqué variants, including cover 1 of 3 from the Elias Chatzoudis Amalgama variant set!