Dark Horse Comics has announced Manor Black, a new “gothic horror fantasy” miniseries written by Cullen Bunn & Brian Hurtt and illustrate by Tyler Crook. The first issue features cover art by Crook & Dan Brereton:

Accompanying the announcement is a cool four-minute time-lapse video of Crook drawing the first issue’s primary cover art:

Manor Black issue #1 will be released Wednesday, July 31st in both print & digital for just $3.99.


A gothic horror fantasy about a family of sorcerers in crisis. Roman Black is the moribund patriarch of a family of powerful sorcerers. As his wicked and corrupt children fight over who will take the reins of Manor Black and represent the black arts, Roman adopts Ari, a young mage, who he gifts his powers to with the hope that someone good will take his place against the evil forces out to bring down his family and legacy.