Zenescope Entertainment has released the sixth & final issue of its of six-part comic series Van Helsing Sword of Heaven. The 32-page full-color comic is written by Chuck Dixon & illustrated by Julius Abrera, with letters by Saida Temofonte & colors by Maxflan Araujo. The main cover art is by Sean Chen & Ivan Nunes, with variant covers by Igor Vitorino & Grostieta, Alfredo Reyes & Ylenia Di Napoli, and Harvey Tolibao & Ivan Nunes:

Van Helsing Sword of Heaven issue #6 is now available in both print & digital for just $3.99:

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Trapped in a palace of the dead, the immortal and malignant Prince Sawar thinks he’ll hold Liesel captive for the rest of her life, but nobody puts the legendary vampire killer in the corner. With the help of an unlikely ally, Liesel Van Helsing must escape this madhouse of horror before she loses her mind or even her life!