Funko has produced a total of eighteen unique individual Pop! vinyl figurines from the Aliens film franchise, spanning thirteen unique molds, five variants, and three of the movies (Alien, Aliens, and Alien: Covenant), plus the Aliens-inspired “Rick [Facehugger]” from Rick and Morty.
Alien from Alien is #30 in Funko’s Movies line of Pop! vinyl collectables.
Alien [Bloody]
Alien [Bloody] from Alien is a special variant of Funko Pop! Movies #30. This Funko Pop! is a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive.
Ellen Ripley
Ellen Ripley from Aliens is #345 in Funko’s Movies line of Pop! vinyl collectables.
Alien Queen [6″]
Alien Queen [6″] from Aliens is #346 in Funko’s Movies line of Pop! vinyl collectables.
David from Alien: Covenant is #428 in Funko’s Movies line of Pop! vinyl collectables.
Daniels from Alien: Covenant is #429 in Funko’s Movies line of Pop! vinyl collectables.
Xenomorph from Alien: Covenant is #430 in Funko’s Movies line of Pop! vinyl collectables.
Xenomorph [Bloody]
Xenomorph [Bloody] from Alien: Covenant is a special variant of Funko Pop! Movies #430. This Funko Pop! is a GameStop exclusive.
Neomorph With Toddler
Neomorph With Toddler from Alien: Covenant is #431 in Funko’s Movies line of Pop! vinyl collectables.
Oram [Face Hugger]
Oram [Face Hugger] from Alien: Covenant is #432 in Funko’s Movies line of Pop! vinyl collectables. This Funko Pop! is a Hot Topic exclusive.
“Xenomorph” from Alien is #731 in Funko’s Movies line of Pop vinyl collectables.
Xenomorph [Blue Metallic]
“Xenomorph [Blue Metallic]” from the 40th anniversary of Alien is a special variant of Funko Pop! Movies #430. This Funko Pop! is a specialty series item, exclusive to independent retailers.
Ripley In Spacesuit
“Ripley In Spacesuit” from Alien is #732 in Funko’s Movies line of Pop! vinyl collectables.
Ripley Holding Jonesy
“Ripley Holding Jonesy” from Alien is #733 in Funko’s Movies line of Pop! vinyl collectables. This Funko Pop! is a Funko Shop exclusive.
Xenomorph [8-bit]
Xenomorph from Alien is #24 in Funko’s 8-Bit line of Pop! vinyl collectables.
Xenomorph [8-bit, Deco]
Xenomorph [8-bit, Deco] from Alien is #24 in Funko’s 8-Bit line of Pop! vinyl collectables. This Funko Pop! is an Entertainment Earth exclusive.
Xenomorph [8-bit, Bloody]
Xenomorph [Bloody] from Alien is #27 in Funko’s 8-Bit line of Pop! vinyl collectables. This Funko Pop! is a PX Previews exclusive.
Rick [Facehugger]
Rick [Facehugger] from Rick and Morty is #343 in Funko’s Animation line of Pop! vinyl collectables. This Funko Pop! is a GameStop exclusive.