Funko has produced a total of 21 unique individual Pop! vinyl figurines from the American Horror Story franchise, spanning 17 molds, four variants and four seasons (Murder House, Coven, Freak Show, and Hotel).

Freddy Funko as Twisty

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Freddy Funko as Twisty from American Horror Story is #42 in Funko’s Funko line of Pop! vinyl collectables. This Funko Pop! is a 2015 San Diego Comic-Con exclusive.

Freddy Funko as Twisty [Bloody]

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Freddy Funko as Twisty [Bloody] from American Horror Story is a special variant of Funko Pop Funko #42. This Funko Pop! is a San Diego Comic Con exclusive.

Tate Langdon

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Tate Langdon from American Horror Story is #168 in Funko’s Television line of Pop! vinyl collectables.

Rubber Man

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Rubber Man from American Horror Story is #169 in Funko’s Television line of Pop! vinyl collectables.

Fiona Goode

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Fiona Goode from American Horror Story: Coven is #170 in Funko’s Television line of Pop! vinyl collectables.

Fiona Goode [Bloody]

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Fiona Goode [Bloody] from American Horror Story: Coven is a special variant of Funko Pop! Television #170. This Funko Pop is a Hot Topic exclusive.

Cordelia Foxx

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Cordelia Foxx from American Horror Story: Coven is #171 in Funko’s Television line of Pop! vinyl collectables.

Cordelia Fox [Blind]

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Cordelia Fox [Blind] from American Horror Story: Coven is a special variant of Funko Pop! Television #171. This Funko Pop is a Hot Topic exclusive.

Marie Laveau

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Marie Laveau from American Horror Story: Coven is #172 in Funko’s Television line of Pop! vinyl collectables.

Myrtle Snow

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Myrtle Snow from American Horror Story: Coven is #173 in Funko’s Television line of Pop! vinyl collectables.

Misty Day

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Misty Day from American Horror Story: Coven is #174 in Funko’s Television line of Pop! vinyl collectables.

Papa Legba

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Papa Legba from American Horror Story: Freak Show is #175 in Funko’s Television line of Pop! vinyl collectables.

Elsa Mars & Ma Petite

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Elsa Mars & Ma Petite from American Horror Story: Freak Show is #241 in Funko’s Television line of Pop! vinyl collectables.

Tattler Twins

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Tattler Twins from American Horror Story: Freak Show is #242 in Funko’s Television line of Pop! vinyl collectables.


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Twisty from American Horror Story: Freak Show is #243 in Funko’s Television line of Pop! vinyl collectables.

Twisty [Unmasked]

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Twisty [Unmasked] from American Horror Story: Freak Show is a special variant of Funko Pop! Television #243. This Funko Pop is a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive.


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Pepper from American Horror Story: Freak Show is #244 in Funko’s Television line of Pop! vinyl collectables.

Mr. March

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Mr. March from American Horror Story: Hotel is #323 in Funko’s Television line of Pop! vinyl collectables.

Hypodermic Sally

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Hypodermic Sally from American Horror Story: Hotel is #324 in Funko’s Television line of Pop! vinyl collectables.


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Holden from American Horror Story: Hotel is #325 in Funko’s Television line of Pop! vinyl collectables.

The Countess

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The Countess from American Horror Story: Hotel is #342 in Funko’s Television line of Pop! vinyl collectables.